SBJ Morning Buzzcast

First Look October 28th

Episode Summary

In this week’s First Look from Sports Business Journal, we talk about the tech startup investments from former NBA Commissioner David Stern and former ESPN EVP John Kosner. Next, a handful of major sports facilities turn 20 this year including the Staples Center. We talk in-depth about its impact in 1999, and discuss what’s next for the arena 20 years later. Finally, Abe Madkour stops by to talk MLB, China, and the other stories he’s following this week in sports.

Episode Notes

In this week’s First Look from Sports Business Journal, we talk about the tech startup investments from former NBA Commissioner David Stern and former ESPN EVP John Kosner. Next, a handful of major sports facilities turn 20 this year including the Staples Center. We talk in-depth about its impact in 1999, and discuss what’s next for the arena 20 years later. Finally, Abe Madkour stops by to talk MLB, China, and the other stories he’s following this week in sports.